Monday, August 3, 2009

What? Who? When? How?

Doubt = a feeling of uncertainly & lack of conviction.

Constant wonders and doubts.. Who? When? Purpose, reason...What? How?

Purpose in archi = undefined
Reason of taking archi = preventing self from becoming jobless
How come archi & not any other courses = no idea, more perspective?
When is the breaking point = feels like everyday, every hour, every min, every sec..

Who am i??

Who am i becoming???

Who will i become????

Archi = everything against what i am about

What am i doing here? How can i contribute by doing this? How long will i be able to take this? What good do i bring to myself by doing this? What will i owe myself once i finish? Will i be able to finish? How do i finish?

It is only the beginning...
Only the beginning of the 3rd week...
How do i walk through this path?

Question I should really ponder about:
What is it that I wanna get out of this course?


  1. There's always a silver lining, says you.Try looking over the horizon. Maybe you'll see it somewhere. I think sometimes its simpler on the mind and soul to just "let it be". Go listen to the BEatles song. And Billy Joel's "Vienna". Maybe you should ask yourself what you want from yourself. The course is merely a physical system. What do you want from your life? The thing about us is that we often have to make strange choices *trust me, I make the wierdest*, but at the end of the day, if we want to, we can change things. Hypothetically, you can change the world, but let's start small.
